Hardy, perennial kitchen garden herb
Description: Hollow, branching stem resembles celery stalks, smooth, deep glossy-green leaves; yellow flowers in large umbels followed by pale yellowish-brown seeds
Habit: Tall, robust plants grow 3-6 feet high and 3 feet wide
Culture: Prefers deep, rich, moist but well-drained garden loam and full sun
Hardiness: USDA Zones 4 through 9
Philadelphia nurseryman Bernard McMahon included Lovage among the list of “aromatic, pot, and sweet herbs” in his book The American Gardener’s Calendar, 1806. This ancient Mediterranean herb was first cultivated by the Romans who introduced it to Britain. Legend has it that, during the Middle Ages, the emperor Charlemagne so esteemed Lovage that he decreed that it be grown in all his gardens. The roots, stems, and leaves are edible and in the 18th century the pungent seeds and stems were candied like Angelica. The dried seeds are similar to Caraway seed and can be used in bread.
Ships in a 3.5″ pot.