In addition to growing many of the common Old World vegetables that preferred cooler climates, Thomas Jefferson took advantage of the hot Virginia summers to plant a wide variety of New World curiosities that have since become staples of the warm-season vegetable garden. This seed collection contains a range of delicious and nutritious warm-season vegetables that can be sown directly in the garden or started indoors and transplanted once the danger of frost has passed. Backordered until late February.
Packaged in an attractive, reusable and recyclable tin, this collection includes the following ten seeds:
Swiss Chard (Mixed Colors)
Cymling (Patty Pan) Squash
Cayenne Pepper
Cherokee Purple Tomato
Brandywine Tomato
Long Green Improved Cucumber
Listada de Gandia Eggplant
Jimmy Nardello’s Sweet Pepper
Summer Crookneck Squash
Moon and Stars Watermelon
Due to possible seed supply shortages, substitutions of similar, relevant varieties may be required to complete this collection.