Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.
Zatta di Massa Melon is an ancient melon depicted in 17th-century still life paintings. This aromatic melon has strongly ribbed skin and extremely sweet, orange flesh. In 1774 Thomas Jefferson planted 18 hills of “Zatte di Massa Canteloupe melons” at Monticello. The Zatta di Massa is known in Italy as Brutto ma Buono, which means “ugly but sweet”. Jefferson-documented: This plant was documented by Thomas Jefferson in his Garden Book, Notes on the State of Virginia, or other writings.
Direct sow seeds in hills or rows after the last spring frost; for hills, sow 6-8 seeds per 18″-wide hill, then thin to the best 3 plants per hill. Melons prefer soil on the dry side. Harvest when the melon slips easily off of the vine. Approximately 8 seeds per packet.